<==::Luv For My Saviour::==>
My Path To His Glory
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
Siansation... Not really driven to go to school, holiday was short I did enjoy it but I know I could have enjoyed more. Haha but I noe I will not live in my comfort zone and be more driven because I know I have a significance.
Miracle Weekend just passed, Hall 10 was filled with ppl. It really drives me to step up to invite more and invite again, to be intentional because GOD can really make it happen. I always pray he will touch the lives of ppl for the pre-believers thats when they will noe GOD is real thus they will take the step of faith to know our GOD.
Just read abit of John, even with the hectic schedule I still wan to make it a habit to read his Word and Pray/Tok to him more then a hour everyday. I feel its necessary because simply he is our Father. People always think it must b necessary to b holy to pray or it must b a religious process like fasting or meditating or solitude. I feel its not so... GOD wants a relationship with u, so when i talk to him it can b serious things like troubles? Or even to simplest things like Jokes? lol weird? Joking with GOD? I think I do tt everyday and sometimes its weird tt I laff for no reason lol people will think I am crazy... But I feel tts how I talk to GOD with a sense of humor in our conversation. Besides its always very meaningful and encouraging to know he's around merely by his presence.
Father Lord Heavenly Father, May u bless me, my spiritual brothers and sis and my spiritual grandfather/mother may u lay yr hand upon us and guard our hearts from sin and temptation. May u use us to enlarge yr Kingdom and by the blood of Jesus grant us authority over evil. Lord I oso pray for the people who r studying hard or stressing over studies/projects tt yr wisdom being upon them and grant them the strength to persevere thru these mountains... U r in control in our lives with just tt knowledge will Drive us thru obstacles. I oso pray for my Brother Josh tt he be healed in Jesus name! tt just reading yr word I believe in miracles will happen to him because yr words has the glory and power over the spirits... In the heavenly name of Jesus...Amen
John 3:31
"The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one with the earth."
Friday, June 23, 2006
Today, had a outing with some of our network people, went to settlers haha our hangout, play the usual games like Bang, I'm The Boss and Management thing. Don't have to really write about it cuz haha its mainly a place of a lot of fun... And yes... Andrew won the Slacking game again 2 times in a row. I think GOD is hinting him something ? ^^
These days been very draining for me, don't know why. Been resting a lot, training for the Triathlon, Spending time with GOD but something in me feel meaningless? Don't really know how to explain because now I am doing things just for the sake of doing it, haha I do not have a reason to train, I do not have a reason to be who I am now and go back to who I was, I do not have a reason to be happy but I have a reason to talk and just simply enjoy his presence. Haha he being my sole reason is the only thing driving me let it stay that way. But just pray I will understand the meaning truly of what I do and who I am. (Abit Chim)
Too bad no pictures next time should take 1 together Right guys!!!
Luke 19:40
"I tell you," he replied,"if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out."
Don't keep my mouth sealed for I want to praise and worship u! In Jesus name I pray AMEN
Sunday, June 18, 2006
These days been real tight for me so did not blog of recent happenings, been too much to recall so anyway today's Fathers Day I wish all fathers out there, frens and my own father tt they grow into a father with a teachable and listening heart and pray blessings be upon them. Had dinner with my family haha long time never have such an occasion. Saw Jenny at Odeon Tower, her Sis wedding was there so was quite surprised to c her.
Ok...Let mi c today I feel like writing about this because I feel 1stly it is more of an expression of my heart and on what I think. 2ndly haha Its been buggin mi a lot.
A question came to me since when I was young, nt sure whether is it GOD's speaking to me but the question was "What sort of Man I would like to become?" for my bros out there, have u ever sit down and think abt it?
I always wanna try to improve myself for being a
1. Charismatic
2. Socialable
3. Understanding
4. Caring
5. Sensible
6. Mature (haha nid to work on tt)
7. Sensitive to ppl's feelings
8. Influential
9. Provide sense of security
10. Humorous
12. GOD -loving and fearing. Spiritually mature oso
Y I state it out bcuz I am serious and real abt it. Out of all 12 the last 1 is the most impt, because when u fear GOD u will not sin, but when u love GOD u will tend to love others tts y both to mi is impt although both have different effects. Spiritually Mature...I leave GOD to judge mi on tt. I have been constantly challenging myself to b like tt until it has become a habit... Sum may say a bad habit like sending gers home...Ppl have been tokin to mi u shld only do tt to yr GF/wife. I feel ya... But to mi as long as I do it as a sense of security and right time and place I feel its all right... Furthermore all of the points I set for myself I feel I am far off from it especially the mature part lol I tend to get super playful at times. Furthermore, Been trained at Ritz-Carlton Hotel open the opportunities for mi to grow. Compulsory to socialise, to speak up and learn to give a warm ambience...In short B a Gentleman. It was very difficult for mi to do this bcuz in my early secondary daes i am a very anti-social rebellious person. Furthermore i am very self-condemning in the past always finding pleasure to criticising mysef.
I have been living to tt "code" for like since when I was super young...I am being told, reprimanded and trained to be 1. In truth, why bother to b those points I set for myself? Because I wan to be a right person For my frens, the mother of my kids and lastly to GOD. Jesus was a charismatic and basically everything that I listed on. Although I feel I am not a gd enuff person but I noe GOD still c mi as a worthy child even of all the flaws and past I have...
Proverbs 3:6
In all yr ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight
( I will let Him Direct my steps)
Sarah and i saw this Real-life Cinderella glass shoe...Guess the price? Its sooo chio... sumti cool for weddings dun u tik?
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Even all of us were tired, many of us managed to go for SOL still so fervious for GOD and i pray we will kip loving him with all our heart
Hav u ever ask wats the reason u r here? Special Speaker John Dawson preached today, even with no points to specify giving a quite "chim" topic... but i managed to catch it. R u Significant in GOD's eyes the ans is YES ^^ we r all here for a reason and we shall kip living to find tt reason and of coz the main reason for my spiritual bros and sis i feel that our significance in living is Jesus.
Lord i pray that u would bless me and the pastors from FCBC and i pray that yr hand is upon us and expand the kidngom of my brothers sisters and myself and i pray that thru u we r ppl of significance thru u we will show ppl tt their significance is u Lord. And i pray all these is Jesus loving name AMEN
*the picture is abit blur but haha the hamster is praying so CUTE!!!*
It says
"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer"
Matthew 21:22
Monday, June 05, 2006
God's Day
Today was my first Post-Encounter, haha that's it I am addicted to it, quite fun and I get to learn so much. As 1 of my goals I feel its more than possible to complete SOL1 by this year... Or even SOL2 haha by faith ^^ After PE went to eat with Joyce, while Kenneth went to eat with Natalie .... KENNETH!!! *shakes head* haha jkjk. Received a call from Kenny asking for a replacement for the Hospitality Team so I went over to help...
Haha when i reached had to report to Him, and Ruth promising she will giv a loud 1... (crazy person) LOL! jkjk. Had to wear the yellow green vest with cap and umbrella... I realise we gt the same uniform as the cleaners :P! After that was Lord's Supper felt sorry had to stop all the late comers even there were 1st timers but... I feel if u really mean on Worshipping HIM u would giv yr all to make time ^^ Agree?
Pastor preached abt Stress which I highly feel is a gd topic for loads of people, bcuz every1 hav stress...and its thru GOD that how we wanna overcome it, by Accepting it, Believing HIM and giving yr life to HIM.
After that, the network guys and I went for a run! haha thanks for pam and the rest for being so sporty super appreciate it ^^. Was too shagged to go to Global Prayer abit disappointed but ^^ my Hunger for him will b quenched. Geard it was good and Packed Praise GOD ooo and finally I could catch up to my sleep... haha 7pm to 11am sleep 15 hrs :P dun b envious kenny
John 8:36
So if the SON sends you free, you are free indeed"
For my frens dun tik of Christianity is a bondage frm having fun that u do nt have true freedom, by truth i feel more free and happier than ever before ^^ sooo lets get to know the reason and person I luv so much
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Happy birthday to u
Happy birthday to u
Happy birthdae to vivien
May the GOD Bless uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu lol ^^
Haha thanks for the party super fun, anyway ya we had alot of fun even though it was after YA and for some the Committee Meeting so abit tired. But haha we went hyper coming to the party, had our dinner chat for awhile and most exciting was to plae TABOO there lol... Super fun I enjoyed finding the errors Kenny maks rather then the word he is trying to say lol. Cuz its more obvious! LOL 5 words he cannot say he will say all 5 LOL jkjk ^^ Had fun bro ^^
Then some James and Quan Wei hav to sing for Vivien lol special gift for her... but then saboed by them than Kenny and Me sang... Sorry guys haha voice was terrible? LOL sorry anyway ya we prayed for her after that.
Mainly, i prayed that
1. A fruitful year
2. Her 12
3. Spritual Growth making her sensitive and teachable heart
4. A husband LOL!!!!!!
Anyway thanks for the invite ^^
Galatians 6:9
Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow
Gers looking Good
Guys acting like Retards ^^