Where are the green pastures? Where is the quiet waters? Lord have I heard wrong? Am I not to build an oasis in the desert or BE that oasis.
How am I to quench the thirst of men when I AM THIRSTING for your Majesty?

I asked these questions not because I am losing my faith, I ask because I am challenging it. Green pastures are traded for wilderness. Quiet waters are traded for desert. I do not need to see it I do not need to see the miracles to believe it but the least I ask is I NEED TO SEE U. I am excited because its so challenging and tough. Yet so weary n drained because there's nothing to be encouraged.
If I am to endure, discipline and survive my way through I am sure this is more than possible. To live surviving, not doing anything about the environment I am in. But I cant do it...Because simply HE has called me "I AM TO BE THE THIRST QUENCHER." To take the narrow road, to embrace the struggle, to answer the call.
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