Have been on a rampage catching up on my books these days, as if I'm on a reading timetable. 2 books really caught my heart. Facing your Giants and The Life you've always wanted. Reading these books does not only share insights but it sparks a daily transformation in my life and even having a deeper understanding of our Heavenly Father.

Encouraging lines
Write today's worries in sand.
Chisel yesterday's victories in stone.
"God saw in David what no one else say. That's a God-seeking Heart"
"Focus on Giants you stumble, Focus on God your giants tumble"
Have not really finish reading this book but something that caught me today was this.

"the Human race is not just one universal disappointment, but one inextinguishable hope."
And I always remember this, theres a time to pray for miracles and theres a time to be one.
Something exciting to mention is that. After much thought, prayers etc, I decided to once again race this Sep and have selected the 70.3 Singapore Ironman as my main race for this end season. To recover from devastation and to once again put on my running shoes and my amazing tights heez, I didn't expect it to be so difficult. But u know...through Triathlon it been inbuilt in me to prioritise, pursue and persist, not only spiritual sense. But it is a lifestyle.
Where is my heart established?
Psalms 112 says
He will have no fear of bad news
His heart is steadfast, trusting the Lord
His heart is secure, he will have no fear
In the end he will look triumph on his foes,
Is my heart ready to trust? Is my Spirit firm, unperturbed?
Proverbs 3
TRUST in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your way ACKNOWLEDGE him, and he will make your paths straight.
This 2 verses came alive in my Spirit one morning, it was sad I could only tell God this, "Lord I still do not trust you." With trust comes restedness and stillness, with trust we would not worry or be wavering. Sometimes when troubles comes, we do not understand. But when trust comes we may not need to understand. Yes we all have our Goliaths grinning at us, strongholds daunting us, Storms coming towards us. But Lord my prayer is this let our hearts be established on YOUR Word, YOUR Promises. And with our lips comes our praise and thanksgiving.
Warrior Poet
Have been reading alot these past few weeks, each book brought new discovery and work in my life. For this week this book talks about deep within the rugged soul of every young man there is a warrior in search of his sword and a poet in search of his pen. This author challenges to forsake modern male mediocrity for Christ-built, warrior poet manhood -- manhood that change history, capture the hearts of people and his future wife, Manhood that protects the broken and serve the Lord.

Forging the Warrior (Picture courtesy of Heroes V a childhood game which made me admire angels more)
Question I have been asking myself what are the things worth protecting? Spiritual warfare is real, what are the minor to major things that deserves to be on guard as we wage war?
A few came to my heart,
1) My covenant with my Lord - Living a holy life, obeying, serving Him
2) My covenant with my future wife - Being single, guarding my heart, mind and eyes. Guarding even my line of boundary and hers. Defending her innocence, purity and heart.
3) The Broken, poor and small - When was the last time you actually served the broken excluding YA of course. The person in your class with no friends? The teacher who's stressed? So many people we tend to missed.
The Devil drug, defile, delude and distract us with stuff that seems normal like work or the bar of morality, what are your weapons in your soul?
"Mud on a man's tires does not mean steel in the man's soul"

Shaping the Poet
May his tongue be his pen, while his life be his poem. Poets sing, writes and feel but what does it mean to be a Christ-built poet. Poets pursuits tenderness, emotions, intimacy, to be trained to be in sync not only others, your own but also with Christ's emotions. Poets listens while they write, to be tender while they listen, to be thoughtful and wise while they grow. As Men we neglect the fact of being tender, to be a listener thus making it so important.
To study, obey and follow our King, Cultivating HIS life within us. Let this be like a resounding echo in my heart.
YA Camp
Its abit difficult to process this as there are perhaps too many things that happen deserves processing. Every year YA camp lives up to its expectations of naughty kids, crazy happenings and a need of strength. But this year was abit different.
Was the Clan Head for Spartans, a great bunch of kids and counsellors we really bonded and serving each other. Even if it was raining practically through the whole camp, the clan really just enjoy themselves and learned new values.

But what was different for this camp than the rest was this 1 day. Being busy with the structured experience i was so tired, plus sharing my Ironman story in front of so many kids i was rekindled to be disappointed. So afraid to break down in front of 100+ kids. Furthermore on the briefing something devastating happened that devastated the leaders and pastor. Its been a long time since i see him so broken. To protect the identity of the child, I will not say much. But my heart shattered as i remember that these kids really needs love and compassion.
God really is good and great, few things have been pointed out when I just spend time with HIM. What is a warrior poet like? To me what is failure? To me what is strong? How is my relationship with God like? And my assurance for this month is this.Sometimes he does not calm my storms but he stills the heart of the sailor.