Sunday, March 18, 2007


I decided to write down a list of thanksgivings every month whether in my blog or prayer. Does that mean only this day I thank GOD? No...everyday everytime.

Thank GOD for Singapore Biathlon I Finish well and cool, finishing and posing well LOL
Even I was unprepared with only 2 days to train, I was totally shagged from G12 and YA Camp, 2 hours sleep daily. I manage the finish tt race like a warrior and and in my team's standard, it was good.

Thank GOD for toothpaste, 3 daes squeezing out a small tube is very pathetic haha

Thank GOD for G12 Conference, "More than a experience, it was a transformation" quoted by Josh

Thank GOD for I am still fighting my battles. Tired but not falling

Thank GOD for my quiet time is still few days ahead

Thank GOD for u being with me right here and now.
Thank GOD for your promises for me to claim.
Thank GOD for your love through Christ.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My Warriors

YA KIDS CAMP is over! Be focusing now back to my school, club, and my races. Alot of meetings to attend haha and my training

Basically this is a camp that the Committee plan for the kids to more than just having fun, but impacting, impacting and nurturing them to be a Warrior of Light.

It's been a very hmm what's the word, it has been a very REAL experience as I had to take care of 12 kids and 36 boys. While to you maybe it was okay, but I felt blood rising up from my mouth every 5 mins hahaha. Its the first time I ever being firm and scolding the kids as they were very mischievous.

Honestly, this camp took a lot out of me and not only my voice haha. I had a lot of things in my mind and heart, my race this Saturday, friends, team, school but my attention constantly shifted back to the kids. kids being than "imps" touched my life deeply.
Crying on the 2nd day and wepting on the 3rd.

Thank GOD
Even for such a hectic and stressful situation, that he broke me like clay that I could cry out to him.
For my kids being such a sport, for being in my team.
Pulling us through even when my asst counsellors and myself were so sick
For the chance to serve the kids
Finally for Him still here with me while I type this blog article

Thank the Counsellors
That u guys able to persevere all the nonsense the kids have and myself lol

Thank the kids
For this experience.
I received an autograph thingy by my platoon 10 which I was touched and totally unexpected because it was unplan for. Although they were naughty and receive scoldings from me, I love them, and i did not regret taking them.
Infantry thank you for listening and supporting me by obedience. and Thank u for the thanksgivings and and autographs.

Some of my kids cried on the last day of the camp. I was glad not because they were sad, but because this camp meant something to them and myself. Thanks Guys

Platoon 10 lives on everyday in us. TIU TIU TIU TIU TIU lol
Who dares to mess with us will be Prata


Monday, March 05, 2007

Being a God-Fearing Spartan

Before I start, a history lesson. To me Spartans are perhaps the most inspiring soldiers and warriors you can find in history of mankind. With 300 against millions of Persians. Insurmountable odds, their valor, courage, peserverance and sacrifice inspire all of Greece to unite against their Persian enemy, drawing a line in the sand for democracy.

My race is over, a sense of relief and relaxation flows in my body. But what happen before was a totally different story.

I was sick 12 hours before the day of the race coughing, struggling. But decided to push on for GOD and the team.

The Horn sounded and I rushed into the sea, being shoved, pulled, pushed, swept, smacked and hit. I do not have much of a aggressive nature so I didn't really felt on being physical with them especially half of them being ladies.
Came out of the water quite back from my wave, started feeling disappointed started of discouragement and fear. But to Hell with them in Jesus name.
Every step I took was accompanied by every thought "You cant finish even such a short race"
Finish the race strong, but felt the need to puke *yuck*

Felt more shagged than any other days
After that, Captain slightly disappointed with our team performance I was quite disappointed too.

Rushed down to choir, to praise HIM with all my might. Was pretty late
Hungry (Thanks YingChao (for your donuts)
Leg Cramp
Lost my handphone

It was really not 1 of my best days. With all these mishaps I was pretty discouraged myself. But somehow, I felt peace and was assured in my heart, that I didn't give up, kept myself strong for the Lord. Kept Fighting.

I am no Spartan, but going all out for GOD, enduring, facing fears and discouragements, never give up. Is something I pray I keep doing and grow.
Thank you Lord empowering me, strengthening me beyond what I can comprehend, I didn't stop, Didn't give in, I continue be a GOD-Fearing Spartan

P.S Just got back my handphone from the taxi driver, Honest man, Thank GOD, thank him and may GOD Bless him and his household too.

Saturday, March 03, 2007


Heart Beating Furiously, Losing precious sleep
People ask me how do u feel before every race...I wont lie. I be afraid.

Its my IVP (Inter Varsity Programme) race tomorrow, its basically a race where triatheletes from all schools in SG are competing. Thus, the pressure is on.

Minor Preparations
1. Cut hair
2. Pack transition equipment
3. Get ready nutrition
4. Check Weather and Waves
5. Get ready my TriSuit (my Sch Tri Suit ^^ Sponsored by Fuji Xerox)
6. Shave whatever is black...

Major Essential Preparations
1. Pray
2. Quiet time

Without the last 2... my race is like me without arms, legs and a heart