Many of u know, I love to go to Parkway Starbucks, Coffee Bean or Expo Coffee Bean. Even in the midst of all the hassle and brussle, its my quiet place.
Spending time with God would be telling him my struggles, listening to the Holy Spirit counsel, reading his Word knowing Him more. Soon I cultivated a habit of leaving an empty seat available. Example if theres 4 seats with mi, 3 of them be filled with items and the last seat be empty. Why? So God can sit with me today.
Sounds extremely unbelievable, weird etc. But its true and hes always there. Than what happens when a friend comes and take that seat (Which happen often), God being the gentleman he is, always offers to stand. And doesn't that speaks alot of Him? In times of persecution he stood with u, defending u In the midst of struggle he stands with u, holding u In the storms he stands with u, sheltering u And ultimately for our sins... he stood For us. Between death and us, he stood.
Wont u leave him an empty seat today, no need for words, no need for gifts or works. But that heart earnestly to seek Him. Hebrews 11 Anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that HE REWARDS those who earnestly seek him. And u never know, paths b straight, strongholds broken, perspectives transformed.
I always seek an answer for the question "What is being strong to U Lord?" And in great nudge in my spirit, this is it in this video, inspire me to tears. Exalting in weakness, trusting when the flood is all u see, loving through pain, WORSHIPPing in storms. THIS is strong.
One lost her new born son, one lost his health. Both prayed for a miracle, both became a miracle
Life has been mundane, with the usual stuff but it really has been a very exciting week. The Holy Spirit has revolutionize my thinking and the word of God bringing new understanding to my life. Its really exciting to see the Word been so alive! So beautiful and powerful. We are have seen words in the bible regarding sowing. Ps 107:37 And sow fields and plant vineyards, And gather a fruitful harvest. Ps 126:5 Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting. My favorite Matthew 13:4
God created an image of sowing to represent new beginning, new life, new hope. Jesus used sowing to speak parables that sowing is part of our Christian walk. bad sowing is sowing discord, jealously,gossip. Good sowing is truth, love, encouragement. But how often do we be good farmers and sow good seeds into people lives?
Sometimes, we tend to think we are sowing good seeds into people lives by telling them the word of God. But theres a difference between POUNDING the Seeds into the soil(which is a life) and SOWINg the seeds.
Pounding will sound like this: With a stern, dominating, firm tone To Non Christians: Other religions are wrong, Christ the only way. If you do not study hard you have no future. When reality sets in
Sowing will sounds like this: With a compassionate, humble YET firm tone To Non Christians: We all have our beliefs, but I believe Christ is salvation Studying enables you to have be a stable platform and more opportunities in life. Dream, envision and hope
I do not have much analogies or examples but I hope u all get the picture. And I'm certain this is what I have to blog for today :D. Theres always a difference of sowing seeds and pounding them in one's life. The seed destroyed before the roots are grown. But sowing, you will see God real in the soil and the seed. 1 Cor 2:16 I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.
This week, I asked the Holy Spirit something interesting. Holy Spirit, teach me why are we called sheep and Christ the shepherd? Why aren't we chickens, doves or even pigs which I can relate sometimes. Soon I realise, sheep are not just dumb animals, but timid, easily led and stubborn creatures. With the help of wikipedia I managed to find some traits that we as humans can really relate. Ok I'm not belittling anyone but honestly I relate to what I'm writing 1) Sheep have good hearing, and are sensitive to the noise when being handled. Aren't we the same? Sheep's noise perhaps is just noise. But for us aren't our noise sound like this "Sky, u cant make it" "Sky, you are weak" "How can u raise your hands of what u done yesterday" We let discouragements resounds in our hearts? We allow voices of the world to sway our thinking? We sensitise ourselves with these, that we live life in a mess and a struggle. And by his word we can break free Isaiah 58 And untie the cords of the yoke to set the oppressed FREE and BREAk every yoke 2) In panic when sheep are stressed Ask a shepherd, chasing a sheep is worse than chasing a sprinter. Its extremely difficult and make shepherding an extremely difficult endeavour. Aren't we the same? When storms come we panic, we frustrate ourselves on finding solutions. We complain with things like this "Unable to see God, unable to finish the project, unable to be in a healthy relationship, unable to get what we desire?" We complain, we rant, we worry. As long as we worry we have already sinned, as the word says 1 Peter Cast ALLL!!!!!!! Anxiety on him because he cares for you. Complaining is never the issue, staying there is. Lets take it 1 step further like David and take EACH worry into prayer into praise into reaffirmation with HIS promises If you notice only Israel in all the ancient world believe that our Great God who made the heavens and the earth cares that we are in pain and he can be expected to do something about it. Look at the psalms most of it are laments or complaints. This is what makes these prayers so powerful. 3) Sheep need oil Oil were used by shepherds act as a repellent to keep the flies away from their noses and the flock at peace. Without it, with the flies eggs in thier noses,sheep will beat their heads against tress, rocks etc. They run, hide, forget to eat, aren't able to sleep, ewes stop milking and lambs stop growing. Oil were also used to treat wounds, sheep get hurt due to thorns etc. Thus shepherds daily inspects the sheep to spot the wounds. Or these wounds would cause infection and flock to being disarray Aren't we the same? Our flies are sins, challenges, pride, hurts and worries? Causing us to flee, hide, starve ourselves, aren't able to sleep? Aren't we all wounded people?Not by thorns but by disappointment, illness, lost, injustice, hurts. We get wounded but what did Jesus said? John 10 I am the good Shepherd who gives his life for the sheep. His love is the oil that heals us, that gives us peace, drives us forward, HIS LOVE ultimately enables us to love others. We can only love because HE first loved us Aren't we all like sheep? Stubborn, easily led and needing a good shepherd. Psalm 100:3 We BELONG to him we ARE his people, the sheep he tends If you realise its present tense, its still alive and real today. Won't you break free ladies and gentleman. Lord, Im your sheep stubborn and timid, choosing to follow you.
For many of you, this video perhaps be like just a blur but, each stroke, pedal and step is very real in my life, seeing the Ambulance was really very memorable. As i remember, God's presence was not "felt" on that day when i race. A day of struggle, pain and frustration. Talking to God was more taxing than cycling that Expressway. Soon I fell, I puked, the ambulance was there, Pain surged in my body and I had to make a tough decision.
Medic: Do you want to give up? Sky: *pause* Yes I do
And HE caught me in His Arms, the feeling was so intense I was holding my tears the best I could in the Ambulance. God is closer than you think, its not some theological concept but the real deal--intimate connection with a deep personal God.
This is 1 of my real experience of remembering God is real close to me. I believe all of us knows this promise Deut 31:6 Be Strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you or forsake you.
I believe we all go through seasons or days questioning God's presence. Sometimes we simply do not feel Him, hear Him(maybe its due to the noise around and noise in your heart). But how we press on is simply we choose to believe. We fail to realize that our individual uniqueness means we will all experience God's presence and learn to relate to him in different ways. Through people, that makes cell group or meetings important or through your work, worship etc. He doesn't play games with our lives ,our God is never hard to find.
(70.3 Ironman REAL SOON, Its amazing I'm still learning and digesting from that structured experience 5 mths ago)
If there is righteousness in the heart there will be beauty in your character. If there is beauty in your character, there will be peace & favour in the world. AND TRUE Righteouness came in a form of man to bring peace and favour. I recently relive a old passion I had, and that was drawing. HUH Sky draws!?!? Yea its a dark secret and somehow come to think of its quite weird. Well not as good as b4, its true u strive for excellence thru discipline and practise so this is what I have done so far. Its a sneak preview to a project I'm embarking.