Thirst Quencher
Its gonna be some time before I blog again because by the time u see this I should be on my way serving the nation. As I prepare for the next two years ahead, the word I received from God on my birthday for me was this.
1 Chronicles 11:17
David longed for water and said," Oh, that someone would get me a drink of water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem!" So the Three broke through the Philistine lines, drew water from the well near the gate of Bethlehem and carried it back to David.

Reading Chronicles has always been tiring and mundane, yet somehow as the Holy Spirit teaches, this verse was pressed into my heart. (So exciting knowing God's inspired word from new perspectives and understanding) As I spend those times with him, seeking, discerning he unravel the meaning of the verse to me. Speaking what this new season is about. The season of quenching thirst.
1) Satisfying thirst - To be like the Three
As I think about it thirst can be categorised into spiritual thirst and physical thirst. Spiritual thirst consist of a thirst for purpose, joy, love, righteousness and justice. Physical thirst consist of poverty, physical needs in their/family lives. The call is simple, to meet the needs of the men, committed to the well-being, being that blessing and encouragement to them. Quenching the thirsty.

2) Creating the Environment of selflessness - To be among the Mighty men
(Last pic with hair) Those 3 were concern of the welfare of David. He didn't order or requested water but it was a complain, a whine. And these Three pounced into action, battling down the Philistines to draw water. The philistines of this age would be principalities, mundaness, shallow thinking, norm conforming and diluted morals/values. Yenn asked me as I share my word, How am I able to do it? To be honest I think there r no concrete solutions but really powerful methods to create an environment of selflessness? Be aware and sensitive, to excel (as I become good at something I would be in a better position to help) and being the example are just the tip of the iceberg. I have to live it out, respond to my salvation and be that salt & light.
3) Recognizing my value - To be like David
In this perspective, I see myself as David. The one in need, the one thirsting. And the 3 represents the Trinity. How they broke through hell to fill that void in my heart or satisfying my thirst. David response was he poured it out before someone more deserving which is to God. And this SHOULD be my response that I offer and pour out my heart back to them or to the people. Always remember this because I believe this is really the call in each area of our lives and that is "To be saved cost me nothing, to be a disciple will cost me everything."

I wanted to go in with a Physical goal just like my Ironman, but I decided to go in with a spiritual one this year. The reason being, I can be very goal driven, good side is regardless of obstacles or discouragement (by God's grace and encouragement) I b persevering or discipline enough to achieve it. The bad side, I can b so consumed with it that I missed out the important thing, which is the People.
Luke 2:52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men.
Stature means high level of respect gained by impressive development and achievement. And with my spiritual goal in place, being the best or running faster or winning people the physical goals will come.

Lastly my encouragement to all of you is this, EVEN as u pour out your water to them, using your own water to fight the overwhelming fire. BUT GOD SENDS THE RAIN. (I wonder how this can speak to u because it slingshots me to what's ahead)
Guys this is the end of my sermon, See u all soon. :D I will have and be the testimony there. I am a Thirst Quencher