Service Term: Service Doesn't end here
My service term has officially ended, being posted to Combat Engineer vocation, different environment and a whole new set of training. To b honest, I am shocked and doubtful is this suitable for me? My instructors, buddies and myself were sure I would get Infantry not because I am capable but because I am passionate in being in the front lines of the war inspiring command and control on my men, charging up mountains. But God has different plans, and I struggled unable to comprehend HIS ways. But you know what... Who am I to say my plans for myself or ways are higher than His? He made me, He called me, HE chose me to do my part for the desert I be placed...
But it's important that I must ask WHY. Two years ago, I be satisfied by just obeying, but I believe God has raise me to the level of faith that I do not just obey but a NEED TO UNDERSTAND HIM. Obeying raises your faith, understanding Him raises u as a whole. And I believe for that answer to come I must do well, excel and respond to the call which He gave me.
My time in Golf Wing has really been fruitful, I made alot of friends that I can depend on with my life. Supporting each other, accomplishing objectives selflessly, sacrificing for the benefit of the platoon. Such times are like the light among the darkness. One particular friend Hairul a half Malay I say half because he is malay yet nothing like malay. He's interesting because hes somebody I can trust with my life. How the last & biggest Mission of our term, he was Platoon Sarge and i am Platoon Commander how we coordinate, plan and lead really was enjoyable. Concidentally, both of us were the top 2 in the service term. Although we went separate ways, and wanted to get into guards together. I am sure he will do well even if all the chiongsters are not there with him.
Forging ahead on the next Professional term, setting the new goals due to the unexpectant plan from God. I am determined the be the Thirst Quencher among all the explosives and chemicals users. Officership has become a lifestyle and build ontop of my foundation being a Christian. Its a lifestyle that cause to u be a role model to the society with deteriorating morales to possess good character. To make and be the difference. Lord...thank u still for this opportunity and platform to serve U.