Amazing Champions

Although it was a week of hardships as well, able to encounter GOD in every circumstances was breath-taking.
U know times when u have a lot in your mind, a lot to do, think and worry? And sometimes u tend to forget the people around u? I thank GOD even during periods of trials, I am able to be sensitive to the people around me, of what they are going through, able to BREAK Out into their lives. Able to listen to them was a privilege and honor. Its never burdensome to listen! And these are the people whom I do want to c them in Church.
O and why champions? Because yesterday was my 1st race of the season. I had a tore muscle just a week before and it still hurts on the day before. But at the starting line I was like "Lord I have cried out to u everyday for healing, u know I am desperate but still I will run for u!" And off I went! With fresh legs.
TriElite was Champion in the Student Open Run. My Team was Champion and I was 1st in the Race. So 3 awards! All GLORY is Him alone.
GOD has also been very gracious to me this week, enabling to enjoy simple pleasures like the blueberry cheesecake I am eating ^^.
Although I am being oppressed and crushed, as HIS Warrior and HIS CHAMPION I won't fall...

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