The Next Phase: Officer Training
Its the end of my 2 months of BMT, a new phase will start soon. I just got into Officer Cadet School. But not before I say more I am here to say to my Lord, u been so real, the side when u are so good and the side when you were firm with me. I have seen, experience and know of how he has worked through and in me during this season BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY in my bunk mates has as well.
One of such incident was that during the 4th IPPT(For the failures) a buddy of mine being fearful about his results. ON The spot where the Sirs and recruits around boldly ask me to pray for him during the test. I was dumbfounded, how can I not smile with such an opportunity (although I freaked out) Followed by him another came as well and both were non-Christians...People coming to church, Being an encouragement there, Being able to transform not just their mindset but hopefully character. So much opportunities that it was God that gave me the victories. How can I have such favour? I am just a willing man...

To be honest I am abit intimidated by OCS because there seem to be so much stories that makes it sound so daunting. The insane punishments to crazy outfields, doubt starts to lingers and question me "Am I really able to do it?" Its been a long time since the Ironman I ask myself this question and its REFRESHING because I know.... Lord I need your faith in me. And AMAZINGLY this came to life.
Mark 9
"If u can do anything, take pity on us and help us"
"If you can?" said Jesus " Everything is possible for him who believe." Immediately the boy's father exclaimed," I do believe; HELP ME OVERCOME MY UNBELIEF!"

Than what happen next? As expected Jesus commanded the spirit to come out and saved the boy. How often we are like that father, doubting not just in His but in OUR own gifts or abilities or PLATFORM. and what does he do? He simply helps u overcome yr unbelief by doing a MIRACLE ... maybe in u, through u or in others through others.

Lord... All I do All I say All I think All I am... I commit once again to you and the call you gave me. Thirst Quencher among the Leaders. OCS (Only Clowns will Survive) I say Overcome & Conquer your Struggles. Here we go again see u all in a short 3 weeks :D
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