Finishing their race

1 passed away finishing a Trial Triathlon another passed away after running the Army half Marathon.
Another death happen recently was my Advisor friend at the age of 40 died while running in Mariachi Reservoir due to a heart attack. Details are sketchy.
I asked myself this past week, have these people really finish their race? Have they been called up by GOD? Have they finish what they have to do here or want to do?

Lets be frank, honestly I believe they would want to live thier life fully,succeeding in life, getting married, having a family? That would be how I want to live my life.
Can't help but stop and pray for their families and ponder on thier deaths. Some people called them foolish, but personally these people have taught me more on finishing my life for Christ. And more importantly, something important I learn, its not by yours or other's gauge have u finish your race/life/work but GOD alone. And that makes alot of difference in why we do it or how.
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