Thursday, July 26, 2007


Forgetting whats behind and straining towards ahead.
Pressing on toward the goal
To win the prize for which God
Called me heavenward for Christ Jesus

I am his Called, and my answer is Go!

Still super sick, lasting 2 weeks now (realising every pressuring race I go I get sick). Nearing OSIM Triathlon, once again being challenged physically, emotionally and spiritually. Other than the competitors around me I have my battle to take in oneself. But with Christ with me, why will I falter?

Super encouraged by 1st timers Triathletes Levin and Ben, will be supporting and praying for them. Its their race, their challenge for GOD.

Our life like race but without a finish line. With struggles but so many promises from our Covenant-keeping GOD that we can and already claimed. Prosperity, peace, mercy, grace, love etc etc. These are the promises for u to strive your own race. Strive and strin whats ahead...


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