Days of Season
Firstly, I would thank those who have bless me with your wishes, presents and prayers for my birthday. I appreciate it deeply and sorry I could not reply most of the sms lol apparently some people r flipping tables when I don't do that sorry...
It has been a packed month for me during my holidays, something i am not used to. For this week was my birthday, meetings, training, issues, races and LS Victory Ride.
It has been a packed month for me during my holidays, something i am not used to. For this week was my birthday, meetings, training, issues, races and LS Victory Ride.

Some highlights are I ended March with a race in AMK, and what was the highlight of this event is it was a Biathlon which Allen Wu (Presenter of Amazing Race Asia) was the Special guest. If u do not knows who's Allen Wu, Hes Wong Li Lin Husband (Wong Li Lin is the Dance Judge) We both challenged each other and had a great race as both of us finish off with just 2 second difference.
Next is, LS night Cycling which was held at the eve of Good Friday and ended at East Coast Jetty on Good Friday morning. I thank GOD that every1 came back safely as there were few of direction and traffic mishaps. The ride acts as a reminder me of how Christ has struggle for us. As my worship and sacrifice, its my honour to struggle for him, with myself, temptations, emotions, issues, burdens and others. Like a Spartan! ^^ I luv that show man so inspiring.
Seeing the sunrise, touched me greatly not just because it was beautiful. But because i could stand there and thank GOD for his Love...Christ!
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