When the grace limits
Dear Sky,
I am writing in response to this morning's request for forgiveness. I'm sorry to inform you that you have reached your quota of sins. Our records shows that since employing our services, you have erred XXXXX in the area of lust, hatred, greed. Your prayer life is substandard when compared to others of like age and circumstance.

Further review reveals tat your understanding of doctrine is in the lower 20 percentile and you have excessive tendencies to stumble and fall. Because of your sins you are a high risk candidate for heaven. You understand that grace has limits. Jesus sends his regrets and kindest regards and hopes that you will find some other form of coverage.
If grace had limits. If He doesn't dismiss or assume our sin. If his grace wasn't sufficient. This letter is for me. The Peter who denies Christ at tonight's fire may proclaim him with fire at tomorrow's Pentecost. The power... of grace...
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