Pursue Whats Eternal Part 1: Purity
Being in the last year of poly, its much more difficult to be committed to purity as soon I realise not only my blessings have been doubled but so does my temptations. We all know purity is not just a line to cross but a process to embark on. We are living in a society which do not know the true meaning of purity, wavering moralities, people who want to conquer yr virginity (To Guys as well YES TO GUYS say tt 5 times) and brokenness. It grieves my heart to see how so many relationships can be so broken, which spurs in my heart with the grace of God to truly impact the society regarding this area.
Committing my life to Christ is not just by my actions, thoughts, deeds but especially your heart. Easier said than done, as times and times again we stumble and sin. In school for example, its hard to say no to available relationships/flings/sex with ladies who are good-looking, brilliant and smart. Its extremely difficult, because its availability and temptation is 360 degrees. Temptation is an opportunity to sin and it doesn't pursue u, but Sin does and he does so aggressively. We have to be aggressively pursuing purity if not we are at the disposal of sin. But Purity is not the final destination, saving your virginity is not the end, saying no to unyoked relationships IS NOT the goal. Its about pursuing God its about your heart and purity is the process because our God is a Holy God.
Purity is the state of being without mixture. Restoration of purity is critical because man without mixture is the expressed reflection of who God is. And sometimes the pursuit of purity can get so practical it lacks spiritual understanding. Purity is not about rules although its wise to have them but its about yr transformed heart.
Why is this important? Because this is what the world needs. Men who pursues God.
Im not a very attractive person, I have nothing to offer, neither charismatic or enchanting. (Bear with me on this and do not roll your eyes because its an important point) But yet somehow miraculously I have attracted mildly or aggressively a number of ladies, and its hard for my part to not jump in and get attached (as I said attractive, smart etc), refraining myself for just the One. Thus I asked God "I got nothing to offer, I done nothing why does it still happen?"
"Because simply you have a relationship with me." Ladies and gentlemen the 1 thing that will make u attractive eternally is your relationship with Christ! Your intimacy with Him that makes you beautiful! Don't u agree? If is yes plz tag and say yes. If not u can state your defense and I will answer them as best as I can. Why? Because if you have a relationship with Christ, Your life would reflect it. Attaining Kingdom Values like "Wise, Maturity, Righteous, Persevering, Patience, Kindness, Love, Joy, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self- Control!" These are the things that makes u attractive.
Thus I urge you brothers, pursue God and in that process will u pursue purity. Its not about your words, deeds but it always ALWAYS about your heart. Don't give in, press on, live life set apart.
And Sisters encourage, train, challenge us. Please don't lose hope on us whether guys are wooden or hopeless. U have the ability to spur us to attain True Manhood

With grace, my life will set apart
You forgive and love as I stumble or sin
My body is the temple u live in
U love me too much to see my way remains
To set me free from these old chains
Surely your goodness forever endures
Surely I’m forever yours
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